

The Arabic alphabet consists of 28 basic letters Arabic is read from right to left, end. Writing Arabic alphabet is a constant method used in all Arabic regions , most of the letters are attached to one another, Many letters look similar but are distinguished from one another by dots above or below their central part, Each Arabic letter has different shapes according to its place in the words Six letters are not connected to the letter following them, so their shape in the middle matches their shape at the end , and the beginning matches the isolated these letters are (أ,د,ذ,ر,ز,و).



Arabic dialects
Colloquial Arabic " refers to the many national or regional dialects derived from Classical Arabic , Arabic dialects can be different from one country to another , that difference is a result of colonization and interaction with neighboring countries .colloquial Arabic has no rules or grammar .
Modern Standard Arabic is the official language of the Arab word its commonly understood among Arabs it is used in education , journalism , news , generally formal situations, but its not used as a daily language some Arab countries could not understand each other when they talk informal . For example Egyptians couldn’t understand Maghreb Arabic which is used in Tunisian, Algerian, Moroccan, and western Libyan, other Arabic dialects such as Gulf Arabic includes the dialects of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates,
Bahrain, and Qatar, North African Arabic covers the dialects of
Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Mauritania and Libya.

Arabic's influence on other languages:
Arabic has influenced lots of languages such as Spanish ,French , Kurdish, Persian, Turkish , Malay, Indonesian and Portuguese.Many English words are derived from Arabic mostly through other European languages, such as mosque, camel, alcohol, gazelle , coffee , giraffe, rice, mirror , spinach , Jessamine, algebra, cotton ,lemon ,guitar and also sugar.There are some English words which represents specific science or an idea whose invention is credited to Arabs such as algebra.The great number of words in both English and Spanish beginning with "al" is an Arabic origin as "al " is the Arabic definite article such as alcohol "al" means "the".




If you are interested in learning a second language than Arabic would be a right choice
Arabic is very interesting language and also very rich , and it’s the official language of 300 million native speakers and it is the fourth most spoken language in the world .
By learning Arabic you will probably learn a lot about the Arab culture which has contributed in the past to the world civilization through different fields such as medicine , algebra, science , philosophy, architecture, … and a lot more.
Several languages were influenced by Arabic such as Spanish , around 8% of Spanish words have an Arabic root.
Learning Arabic will help you a lot If you are a Muslim or just interested in reading the Quran or learning about Islam , because as you know Arabic is the main language of the Quran .